Cognitive science is concerned with knowing, in the most general sense, of the relationship between the knower and the known. While there are some introductory textbooks to the field, I have not found any that is satisfactory. Cognitive science is a massively interdisciplinary undertaking. Its basic is question asks “What is it to know something.” This question is relevant to philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists, humanists of many stripes, anthropologists, linguists, and plain old folk.
No simple answer will suffice here, and the many partial answers we have must all make assumptions about who the knower is, and what it is to know. There are many bold claims in the scientific literature, and even more in the popular press, but they do not add up to a single coherent account of who we are, how we know anything, or how the fundamental questions of knowing should be understood and addressed.
The video material here forms part of a course taught at University College Dublin. Additional links to relevant readings, both required (of enrolled students) and optional (for further reading) are provided.
Here is the syllabus for the module. Please study it carefully. It tells you what material to watch and read for each class, and provides information about assessments.
Inquiries about the course can be made to Fred Cummins,, who is solely responsible for all material presented here.
To begin, please watch this introductory video:
(If you were using automatic subtitles, my email is given incorrectly in the video. My email is
Topic 1: The History of Cognitive Science
History of Cognitive Science: Readings and Resources
Topic 2: Language and Languaging
Language and Languaging: Readings and Resources
Topic 3: Learning and Development
Learning and Development: Readings and Resources
Topic 4: Perception
Perception: Readings and Resources
Topic 5: Social Cognition
Social Cognition: Readings and Resources
Topic 6: Brains and Cognitive Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience: Readings and Resources
Topic 7: Movement
Movement: Readings and Resources
Students in this course are required to write two essays, each limited to 3,000 words. You should make use the primary literature (Google Scholar is your friend) and expose yourself to novel work. The essays carry equal weight. Essay topics are listed here.