Cognitive Science Resources

The Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy has something to say about Cognitive Science. Opinions on everything expressed therein may vary.

Here are 10 papers considered to be classics by the editorial board of Cognitive Science, the journal. Full text available for download.

In a similar vein, here is a list of the 100 most influential works in Cognitive Science from the 20th Century. Feel free to disagree.

There is a great collection of Classics in the History of Psychology at York University in Toronto, Canada.

There is a professional society called the Cognitive Science Society who hold an annual meeting.

Any tendentious discipline needs a journal called "Trends in...". So we have Trends in Cognitive Science. A great resource for review articles.

Student Resources at UCD

Having trouble with your academic writing? Then drop by the Writing Centre in the library. They will talk to you about your writing processes and address any recurring issues you might have with your writing that are holding you back or not allowing you to communicate as effectively as you would like.


There are now several gazillions of Cognitive Science blogs. This list is nowhere near exhaustive. These are blogs. Useful, lively, but caveat emptor!

Twitter Feeds

Need a quick and ephemeral fix? Cognitive scientists are active on Twitter too. Here are just a few feeds to get you going. There are very many more.